When we use the word eco print we mean that we are using an ecologically based contact print process. Thus using only plants to change the colour of the paper and to imprint the image. India Flint is recognized as the first person to explore the “Eucalyptus Eco print”.
What is the difference between eco printing and eco dyeing?
Eco Print. A print onto paper or cloth using vegetable/ fruit/ plant material which reacts with fibres to produce a coloured image of the plant material. The Eco print process is achieved either by steaming, boiling or soaking. Sometimes rusty metal pieces can accentuate the print and change the colours.
Eco Dye. A dye bath is created using plant material and boiling water which will change the colour of the fibres being dyed. eg. paper, thread , cloth. This will give a background colour to the fibre. A plant which does not impart colour may be boiled in a dye bath to produce a type of resist’ print’.
The process of eco printing first came to Jo's attention during the Terrain Land Art Festival held at Strathnairn.
Recent trends towards a more environmentally sensitive lifestyle have prompted Jo to experiment with new, gentler and safer methods which could also highlight her personal interest and concern for SE forests of New South Wales. The leaves and plants used in creating the eco prints have been sourced from this area.
"Experiments are the rule here as there are many variables. The idea of embedding the image of the leaves of the forest into paper and cloth seems to be akin to creating my own fossils. I often extend and add to the prints with coloured pencils, relief print and stitch."
Jo Hollier