January 2025 Exhibition: Botanical Connections
Exhibiting at the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) has long been on my bucket list and is inspired by childhood visits where I was captivated by the beauty of native flora. The Botanical Gardens helped form and inform my deep connection to nature. My upcoming exhibition, “Botanical Connections” features botanical and avian themes in the works which layer science, tradition, and art. Through richly textural pieces, it celebrates the intricate "web" of nature that unites and sustains us.
Jo Hollier Newsletter for December 2024
Once again I am way behind on sending out studio updates. Commitments and responsibilities arise that have to be juggled and the day to day is often in competition with the arts practice. There are a few things to note and a few things that have kept me inspired to keep up as much as possible. Sorry to say newsletters can filter to the bottom of the to do list sometimes.
Mid-Year Update From Jo
Everyone’s is saying it and I agree…. What a busy first half of the year it has been!! Between the workshops, family affairs and backyard renos, the art studio has taken a little bit of a back seat. That being totally true, each time I have had even a twinkling of an idea and a decent amount of time I have started drawing. As a result, I have been able to make 6 plates made in both etching and collagraph to proof when things settle down a bit!! I am happy with that.
Life In The Fast Lane | February Update from Jo
It’s been a busy start to the year for me and the Arts! Read on for an update - cup of tea recommended!
A Printed Epic : Nature Table I&II
A Printed Epic : Nature Table I&II
I don’t often record how the works are made but because it was an epic process I can share “Nature Table I” and Nature Table I. This may be very boring to some people but ‘bear with it’, as they say
Reworking an etching plate.
I am not a hoarder (usually) but in my studio I have a motto to, "never throw anything out". Well, that isn't ever, but there's lots of stuff in an artists studio which if not valuable, costs something and/or involves blood, sweet and tears…
Why is my print valuable?
Art is intrinsically valuable and has been for as long as anyone remembers. Art records important things, it reflects emotions, events and prompts us to consider the world around us from different points of view. Art inspires, educates and helps us to imagine other worlds, times and places.
Highlights at Bungendore Woodworks Gallery
''Highlights'' is now hung and is full of colour and drama. Gallery artists are exhibiting in the Octagonal Exhibition Space from the 27th September to the end of October which will coincide with the QPRC Arts Trail.