Jo Hollier is an Australian Artist and Printmaker, her Arts Practice reflects a deep respect for the natural world, influenced by a love of colour, texture and design.


    Shop from framed and unframed original works available from Jo Hollier. Also the popular collection of oversized art cards are now available.


    View a gallery of past and current works spanning Jo’s career including etchings, prints, drawings, relief prints from exhibitions and private collections. These works are not for sale.


    Go behind the scenes of a practicing artist. Articles about Jo’s art, as well as industry and practical information.

About Jo Hollier

Jo at the press smiling

Jo Hollier is a dedicated full time artist based in Canberra, with her studio located on the edge of the city. Initially she developed her skills and interest in art though various summer schools, workshops and art classes whilst still pursuing a successful career in midwifery and theatre nursing.

After her children had grown, Jo completed a Diploma in Visual Arts (Printmaking) and began to focus on her art. On graduating Jo was the recipient of a Megalo residency. Jo is a prominent figure in supporting ACT and Australian arts and teaches drawing, painting, etching and printmaking.

Jo specialises in printmaking techniques that produce unique prints and limited edition etchings. Her detailed and technically brilliant works reflect a deep respect for the natural world interpreted, and influenced by a love of colour, texture and design.