
A monoprint is a single impression of an image made from a reprintable block. Materials such as metal plates, litho stones or wood blocks are used for etching upon.

Rather than printing multiple copies of a single image, only one impression may be produced, either by painting or making a collage on the block. Etching plates may also be inked in a way that is expressive and unique in the strict sense, in that the image cannot be reproduced exactly.

Monoprints may also involve elements that change, where the artist reworks the image in between impressions or after printing so that no two prints are absolutely identical.

Monoprints may include collage, hand-painted additions, and a form of tracing by which thick ink is laid down on a table, paper is placed on top and is then drawn on, transferring the ink onto the paper. Monoprints can also be made by altering the type, color, and pressure of the ink used to create different prints. When you create a monoprint, it is possible to copy work from separate pieces of artwork onto one monoprint.

Monoprints are known as the most painterly method among the printmaking techniques; it is essentially a printed painting.

The characteristic of this method is that no two prints are alike. The beauty of this medium is also in its spontaneity and its combination of printmaking, painting and drawing media.


Monotypes and Monoprints- What’s the difference?

These two terms are used interchangeably though they have slightly different meanings.

A monotype is a one of a kind print achieved by applying oil based or water based inks to the surface of a plate and then transferring the inks to paper.

A monoprint is a one of a kind print achieved by applying inks to a plate whose surface has also been etched into, engraved, or carved out such as a woodblock or linoblock.  

The earliest monotype dates back to the 1600's. Many famous artists including Gaugin, Rembrandt, and Degas, experimented with monoprint techniques.

Monoprinting is a wonderfully spontaneous art form which is well suited to mixed media techniques.


